This Book is Every Politician's Worst Nightmare!

"I couldn't believe how much I was REALLY being lied to... Well, never again!"
     - Will, 2023

"If there's any hope in creating informed voters in America, it's THIS BOOK!
     - Mariko, 2023

Now YOU Have The Secret Playbook Leaders Use to Get Away With Lying
  • Beat the logic loophole speakers use to drive a wedge between Us and Them. (Pg. 2)
  • Fortify your emotions against the silver tongues that like to stir you up to get what they want. (Pg. 4)
  • Understand the bandwagon effect and why you shouldn’t always go with the flow. (Pg. 5).
  • Sniff out crap evidence and the sneaky ways it’s disguised. (Pg. 7)
  • Overcome your innate drive to trust authority figures and take the truth into your own hands. (Pg. 14)
Decoding Debates was written by lawyer/former-CIA officer, Jihi Bustamante, to give you the power to make informed decisions to the highest possible degree.
Our world is more divided, angry, and violent than it has been in decades.
  • Government leaders stoke the flames of political chaos to win your vote.
  • CEOs take sides on divisive social topics and ‘volun-tell’ you to do the same.
  • Foreign agents rig your social media feed to make you feel hated, isolated, and afraid.
And while everyday people point fingers and blame each other, the bad guys sit back and reap the rewards of total control.

And they’re doing it using basic language hacks every high school philosophy class used to teach!
Decoding Debates gives you the step-by-step playbook every politician, salesman, and charlatan uses to trick your brain into trusting them.
Using real-world examples, Decoding Debates teaches you these secret strategies, so you never fall for them again.
Shop Page Price: $27.00
Your FAST ACT Price! $11.99
When you get Decoding Debates today, you’ll get an immediate download of this powerful playbook so you can:
  • Beat the logic loophole speakers use to drive a wedge between Us and Them. (Pg. 2)
  • Fortify your emotions against the silver tongues that like to stir you up to get what they want. (Pg. 4)
  • Understand the bandwagon effect and why you shouldn’t always go with the flow. (Pg. 5).
  • Sniff out crap evidence and the sneaky ways it’s disguised. (Pg. 7)
  • Overcome your innate drive to trust authority figures and take the truth into your own hands. (Pg. 14)
Decoding Debates was written by lawyer/former-CIA officer, Jihi Bustamante, to give you the power to make informed decisions to the highest possible degree.
First-world politicians AND third-world dictators use a common set of tools to gain popular support even as they undermine public trust, inspire anger, and encourage doubt.

Their secret weapon is a mental loophole that every human is born with. A flaw in how we follow logic, process information, and make decisions.

While scientists have known this flaw for decades, only politicians and covert intelligence operatives are trained to use it as a tool for control.

Because they know how the human mind works, they think they can fool you into believing anything... And they're winning!
This isn’t conspiracy theory, silent revolution, or secret societies - it’s simple science.
They know how the human mind works, and they think they can fool you into believing anything… And they're winning!
Now you have their playbook. And that means you can win where others lose.
Get Decoding Debates and use the playbook right back against them…
Shop Page Price: $27.00
Your FAST ACT Price! $11.99
Plus, your success is guaranteed with an unbreakable promise!
100% Money-Back Guarantee
Decoding Debates will completely change the way you see politics in the first 10 minutes of reading it... If it doesn't, send me a note and I’ll refund your money AND let you KEEP THE BOOK!
I know how powerful this knowledge can be, and I want you to have that power.
You have nothing to lose...
and everything to gain.
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