Are you ready for the ultimate unfair advantage?

with this Secret CIA process!

The most well-kept secret in espionage is all about YOU…
You float through your everyday – following rules, punching clocks, and killing time.
But what CIA and other elite agencies know about you would change your life forever.
The truth is that you are just as capable as their most elite covert operators.

And the only difference is you don’t have the skills, experience, or knowledge… yet.
Intel agencies had this figured out a long time ago...
They know that as long as you think like an average person, average results will always follow.
Average isn’t good enough for elite operators… And it shouldn’t be good enough for you either.
Because you're starting out exactly where they did...
  • Taking orders from straight-laced bosses that can barely see your potential
  • ​Wishing you had total control over yourself, your time, and your future
  • ​Knowing you’re capable of so much more but not sure how to unleash it
Transforming your potential into real, actionable skills that change you, your world, and your future is the goal of every spy academy.
They built a simple and repeatable system that takes everyday people and turns them into elite undercover spies.

With these simple, practical, and foundational skills, you’re able to transform your average results into EXTRAORDINARY benefits.
The system has worked for over 70 years... And now it’s going to work for you.
OPTHINK is a first-of-its-kind digital platform derived from secret CIA cognitive training that will transform you from average citizen to elite operator so you can think, plan, and act like a spy.
When you shift your mind into that of an everyday operator, these skills will give you total control over yourself, your relationships, and your future.
  • Get what you want when you want it by thinking, planning, and acting like a spy so you never have to want again. 
  • Predict and control everyone’s next move with a secret edge that you’ll use to build wealth, business, and influence.
  • Transform and master your relationships so every connection has meaning, purpose, and maximum value.

OPTHINK has Transformed Your #SpyTribe

     "By far the most valuable thing I’ve developed from [OPTHINK] is an operational mentality. In stark contrast to how I was before, I’ve started living on my own, got invited to join a fraternity, joined ROTC, accepted a new job, and instead of mulling over how tired I’d be or how it would all fit together, I jumped at each opportunity, worked out how I’d do them all together, and now find myself thriving in the chaos.”
- Andrew

     "[O]ne of my biggest dreams has been to work in intelligence. Opthink has given me the tools and the mindset to do that... My wife noticed positive changes immediately and they have only snowballed since then. And guess what? Last week, I started a new career working in a my dream field”
- Aaron

     "The dastardly thing about OPTHINK, it’s not a 10 week program. It’s for life!”
- Tony
Unleash your potential at your own pace with proven skills that give you control over the world around you!
Here is everything included in your 
OPTHINK platform...
  • Cognitive Conditioning Lessons from Elite Intel Academies ($997 Value)
    Master everything from your personality and mental blind-spots to your learning capacity and cognitive strength. These science-backed modules give you the solid foundation you need to start building the advanced spy skills you’ll use to master the world around you.
  • Operational Tools for Transforming Your Relationships ($697 Value)
    These advanced modules include elite skills from conversation planning to social observing and assessment. At this point in your mental conditioning, you will start seeing the world in a new way. Use the skills to open doors to new opportunities, new relationships, and new wins.
  • Practical Application Modules for Everyday Mastery ($697 Value)
    Your reality is transformed from average to elite after mastering these secret skills spies use to influence others and gain power. Spies use these skills every single day to steal secrets, build influence, and control the outcomes. 
  • BONUS #1: Real-World  Exercises that Strengthen Your Skills ($597 Value)
    Over the course of OPTHINK you will build, plan, and execute your own influence operation using everything you learn. Each module comes with a field assignment and expert guidance that keeps you and your operation on track. These field assignments transform your learning into real-world outcomes to get the results you plan for. 
  • ​BONUS #2: Lifetime Access to the OPTHINK Platform ($97 Value)
    You will always have access to the OPTHINK resource library including training videos, practical exercises, written materials, and new modules.
OPTHINK is a life-changing system based on real-world spy training found nowhere else outside of elite intel academies.

And it’s GUARANTEED with an unbreakable promise!

If you’re not seeing the world differently, running your own influence ops, and achieving elite results after you complete OPTHINK, send me a note and I will immediately refund your full payment, plus you can keep all of the resources I sent you!
That means I am willing to pay you to unleash your maximum potential.

Average thinking will always get you average results...
Now is the time for you to start getting the results you actually want.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.