Top 3% of Wealthy Americans Have
#1 Income Secret YOU DON'T KNOW!
You’re a smart, hard-working, loyal employee... and you’ve been sold a massive income lie.

From your first day of school to the last time you logged off work, you’ve been told:
  • You need an advanced degree for the best jobs 
  • Hard work and loyalty always pays off 
  • Retirement is a certainty you can count on
You heard it growing up, you heard it in college, and you hear it every year at the annual company meeting.

But no matter how many times people repeat it, the truth still creeps into your head at night...
  • Your degree guarantees you nothing but debt 
  • Your hard work pays stockholders before it pays your bills 
  • Your retirement is a daydream that may never come true
You want to put your kids through college, care for your aging parents, and protect your financial legacy. 

But the numbers never seem to add up...
     61% of employees stay less than 10 years in a job...

     People over 40 are 65% less likely to win a high-paying position... 

     And 80% of retirees live just above the poverty line.
It’s not fair, but it is the reality for 97% of Americans.

That doesn’t mean it has to be your reality.

When I left CIA, I took a low-level corporate job. 

I had a young child, a growing family, and a mortgage that kept me up late worrying about the future. 

I was my boss's favorite employee -- hard-working, quiet, and loyal. 

And I was miserable.

I watched other people get promotions, praise, and rewards they didn’t deserve. I saw peers take credit for work they didn’t do. And worst of all, I felt jealous of them.

Until I realized I had a top secret edge that nobody else knew about... I just needed to use it.

CIA gave me a system to plan, execute, and dominate intel ops in any situation. 

And I discovered that the recipe to get more intel in the field is the same recipe to make more money in your career. 

Using this simple process, I shot up the corporate ladder, passing my boss and his boss, and increased my salary by 56% in a matter of months. 

Today my net worth is 300% more than it was when I started my corporate career in 2014. And in the next 5 years it will surpass 700%!

Now it’s your turn to use the same elite spy system to massively increase your earning potential.

I call this powerful, proven system 'Workplace Dominance.'
Workplace Dominance is your proven method to break into the top 3% of earners in America.
Get ready to master:
  • The secret to instant credibility without wasting time or money grinding out another formal degree 
  • A simple technique to flip your coworkers from selfish critics into die-hard fans who see you as the key to their success 
  • The bulletproof process for boosting your income every year and winning the financial freedom you’ve always wanted
Workplace Dominance gives you a proven system to increase your lifetime earnings by 700% (or more!) and create an unbreakable financial legacy RIGHT NOW!
You will Catapult your career like Aaron:

     "I put in the time, I made the effort, and I worked through the program. My wife noticed positive changes immediately and they have only snowballed since then. And guess what? Last week, I started a new career working in my dream field.”
- Aaron, GA

You will Cash-in on opportunity like Jerry:

     "Your synthesis of current knowledge is the most practical I’ve ever seen. It generates tons of opportunities!”
- Jerry, MN

You will Shortcut your education like Jack:

     “This program is excellent! It’s even better than a second degree!”
- Jack, DC
Want to know how?
Workplace Dominance works using these incredible tools:
  • Influence training from my signature OPTHINK Field Manual ($597 Value)
    Use cutting-edge interactive training technology to learn real-world influence tactics from Ex-CIA officer Andrew Bustamante to think like a spy, take control of your career, and make more money than you ever thought possible.
  • The Complete Spy’s Tool Kit ($697 Value)
    Get practical exercises, hand-picked case studies, and convenient checklists for rapid learning that help you stay on track and never fall behind on the exact steps to win your high-paying career.
  • The Personality Power Kit ($199 Value)
    Learn the science-backed personality plan that gives you proven CIA methods that turn your natural wiring into an unstoppable power source so you can dominate your environment, your workplace, and your competition.
  • The Social Capital Action Course ($297 Value)
    Master the 3-part strategy covert operatives use to overcome fear and take control so that you can permanently change workplace doubt into career confidence.
  • ​BONUS: The High-Income Crash-Course ($97 Value)
    This crash course is the shortcut to your first massive career victory so you can win money fast and leave your peers green with envy from your sudden gains.
  • EXCLUSIVE: My Mind Readers Toolkit (Not For Sale Anywhere!)
    My personal, practical guide to thinking faster than others helps you predict what everyone in the room is thinking and keeps you one step ahead of your competition by anticipating exactly what they will do before even they know it.
Workplace Dominance is a game-changing income package valued at more than $1,887…
And it has already given Financial Freedom to hundreds of hard-working professionals from coast-to-coast!
Why do people pay so much for it?

Because they know Workplace Dominance more than pays for itself with your first new paycheck! 

And it's Guaranteed!

If Workplace Dominance doesn’t 2x your income in the next 90 days, I'll refund your money -- no questions asked -- and you still get to keep everything!
I want to see you earn a record-breaking high salary.
Income like I’ve been earning since I broke into the Fortune 100 world.

Workplace Dominance is yours for only $297!
You can get every powerful, wealth-building secret Workplace Dominance has to offer for only $297!

And you have a rock-solid, mind-blowing promise to back you up:
If Workplace Dominance doesn’t 2x your income in the next 90 days, I'll refund your money -- no questions asked -- and you still get to keep everything!
That means I’m literally going to PAY YOU if you don’t see IMMEDIATE RESULTS!
Just fill out the form below and you can start earning a higher salary RIGHT NOW!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Powerful Spy Skills To Transform Your Career: Change your career game with this action-oriented system adopted from the foundation of elite CIA training and reframed for career professionals in the everyday world. Winning the Workplace teaches you how to use spycraft to win what you want in the workplace… everytime. Plus, with this exclusive offer, you’ll get the audiobook version of the book ABSOLUTELY FREE!

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If Workplace Dominance doesn’t 2x your income in the next 90 days, I'll refund your money -- no questions asked -- and you still get to keep everything!

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